
Would Occupational Therapy Help Me?

An occupational therapist can identify strengths and difficulties you may have in everyday life, such as dressing or getting to the shops, and will help you work out practical solutions.  Consider the following questions, 

  • Are you experiencing difficulties with everyday activities at home, due to older age, illness or disability?
  • Does your home environment support you to be as independent and safe as possible, or are there challenges?
  • Are you caring for someone and need support with caring tasks?
  • Do you currently have specialist equipment, but it is no longer meeting your needs?


How Can Occupational Therapy Help Me?

Occupational therapy provides support to people whose health prevents them doing the activities that matter to them, including,

  • Providing support and advice to you, and your carers on coping with the problems that arise in your everyday life due to your condition.
  • Looking at the activities you find difficult and offering alternative ways to do them, with the view to support your independence and safety.
  • Assessing and prescribing specialist equipment for postural management, seating and people handling tasks.
  • Arranging for minor adaptations to be carried out, such as installing grab rails or banisters.
  • Arranging for major adaptations to be carried out, such as installing ramps, widening doors for wheelchair access and shower installations.


Self Referral

You can get in touch with us yourself or you can ask someone to do this on your behalf. The information taken is called a referral. Anyone can make a referral to our service if consent is given, and the appropriate information is available. To assist with the initial screening and prioritisation of referrals it is important that you provide as much information as possible. All information provided is treated with the strictest confidence and is only passed on with your consent.

The form takes approximately 20-30 minutes to fill in and will need to be completed in one session. We require your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, national insurance number, GP, details of your medical condition, the difficulties you are having, if you live alone and who owns your house (relevant if any adaptation is required).


Please note:

Our service is for those living in Aberdeen City Council.

If you pay your council tax to Aberdeenshire Council you will need to contact the Aberdeenshire Occupational Therapy Service:

We do not supply adaptive cutlery, dressing aids or equipment for getting in and out of the car, but we can provide advice on what may be suitable for you and where to purchase it.

We do not help with gardening or fencing.


Where are you based?

Our Occupational Therapy services are embedded within GP practices across the city to provide links and access for service users and other professionals, in north, central, west and south localities.

How long will I wait?

You will be contacted by letter regarding your eligibility and whether you are an urgent, high or medium priority case.

Urgent = 24-48 hours

High = 8 weeks

Medium = 12 weeks

What should I expect at my first appointment?

An occupational therapist will contact you by phone or letter to arrange a visit to your home. You will be asked about how you manage every-day tasks and what you find difficult.

Depending on your situation, the occupational therapist may ask to see how you:

  • get in and out of your bed or chair.
  • get on and off the toilet.
  • access the shower or other washing facilities.
  • dress yourself.
  • manage the stairs.
  • prepare drinks, snacks and meals.
  • manage your medication.
  • access your community.

The occupational therapist will ask what is most important to you, to help you set personal goals and will offer recommendations and interventions with your consent.

Will there be a cost?

An occupational therapy assessment is free, and equipment is free of charge provided you meet the eligibility criteria. Costs may apply to home adaptations according to your circumstances, your occupational therapist will be able to advise. Please note financial assistance may be available in some circumstances.

Who can I contact?

If you have any questions about your referral, please contact the duty team:

Phone: 0800 141 2339.     


Are there other local resources to support my health condition?


Aberdeen Carers Support Service: Unpaid carer support & advice.

VSA: Mental health & wellbeing.

One Stop Shop Aberdeen: Autism Information Hub & 1:1 support.

Alzheimer Scotland: Aberdeen dementia resource centre.

Disabled Persons Housing Service: Housing advice and information.

North East Sensory Service: Supporting independence for blind and deaf people.

Care & Repair:

Community Care:


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